Medical Clearance

Pre-flight Medical Clearance and Medical Team covered by Insurance

Pre-flight Medical Clearance

Before an air ambulance mission can get off the ground, every patient must receive clearance from our medical team.

As soon as we receive a request for assistance at our Mission Control Centre, we begin gathering and clarifying details about the patient and his/her situation. These are passed to our medical experts, who make a decision based on a number of factors including: the current hospital/doctor’s reports; discussions with the medical team treating the patient; further tests if necessary; and an assessment of the patient’s location and access to assistance on the ground.

Every case is evaluated individually using a risk/benefit assessment, where the risk in transport is judged against the benefit of repatriation – or simply stated, would flying home put the patient at greater risk than if they remained abroad.

Once the patient is cleared for transport, and the customer has signed the contract, AVIATORS’s control centre team will assemble the relevant medical and flight crew and complete the logistical planning. The mission is then active, designed entirely around the specific needs of the patient.

The importance of detailed, accurate and up-to-date information cannot be overstated. It enables us to select the appropriate medical crew from our pool of specialists; to ensure we are properly equipped to deal with the patient, for example with specific drugs or heavier weight stretcher system; and to plan a smooth and speedy handover of the patient.

Inaccurate or incomplete information can lead to unforeseen risks to both patient and crew, wasted flight-time and man-hours, huge expense – and ultimately a worse outcome for the patient.