Why choose AAR

Why choose Aviators Air Rescue

Aviators Air Rescue provides patients with the very best medical care with the very best service and value-for-money.

But there are so many more reasons to choose AVIATORS – one of INDIA’s most respected specialised air ambulance operators, offering dedicated and cost-effective emergency medical repatriation

Air ambulance used for intra-city transplant for first time in Bengaluru - Times of India

Our medical team: AVIATORS only operates with highly-qualified, experienced and clinically-active medical staff, who have undergone continuous training in critical care and emergency medicine. Every mission is crewed by an expert flight nurse, chosen according to the patient’s needs to meet the mission. 

Our support team: AVIATORS operations are co-ordinated by our 25 year  Mission Control Centre, with all permanent staff – technical, flight crew, and administrative – based on-site together at our state-of-the-art headquarters.

Our experience: With our founding company we have 26 years of aviation experience including aeromedical missions, and have the expertise to deal with the most complicated medical repatriations – some examples being a chemical injury rescue, organ transports and neo natal transfers.

Our Air Ambulance

Our position as an industry leader: Our commitment to patient care, global partnerships and ground-breaking innovation and ongoing investment, has put us at the forefront of the aeromedical industry.

Our reputation: AVIATORS is the trusted and preferred service provider for many hopitals  insurance and assistance companies, governments and NGOs, corporations and individuals

Our fleet: Our fleet of single and twin engine helicopters are dedicated to medical flights. They are in-transit critical-care units, whose flexibility, size, speed and high-tech specification offer the best service to patients, medics, passengers and clients – whether called to a big city or a remote corner of the country.

Our equipment: We carry everything you would find in a hospital ICU, with a huge range of lifesaving equipment and drugs, allowing our team to monitor and treat patients of all ages and with any injury or illness.

Our specialisms: Thanks to our investment in equipment and staff training, we can carry patients that some other air ambulance operators simply cannot – including very premature babies.