Our Fleet

AT Aviators, we are always looking for ways to enhance the services we offer – so we are very proud to announce the introduction of a new, bigger aircraft to our fleet. The helicopter will be based at Bengaluru Airport, becoming operational in the 1st Quarter of 2022 when our Mission Control Centre team will begin scheduling operations.

Our first long-range option, the H135 will give us greater operational capabilities, in line with our mission to provide safe, quick and cost-effective medical repatriation 24/7/365. 

The H135 is the market leader in emergency medical services (EMS), providing ample room for patient care. Its cabin volume allows for direct access to the patient in the event of emergencies, such as the need to administer cardio-pulmonary resuscitation. 



AS350 B3 (H125)

The H125 (previously named the AS350 B3) is configured for vital life-saving and emergency medical transportation, the H125 can carry up to four people (one pilot, one patient and two attendants) plus medical equipment. 

Our vision is to be the sector leader by constantly providing state-of-the-art air medical services to our clients and patients. Our mission is to provide safequick and cost-effective medical repatriation 24/7 – 365 days.